After four years of college (one of them while we were dating long distance and a year and a half of them while Rod was commuting from Murray after we were married) he finally graduated!! I know he is so happy to be done with BYU and ready to move onto the next chapter. We basically celebrated for an entire week straight, which was no bueno for the Costa Rica diet, but it was a lot of fun!

My mom made Rod this sign as well as a really cool "Y" cake (which unfortunately we forgot to get a picture of before we devoured it).

Rod on his last day of school! (which ended up being a 12 hour day on campus). The first thing he did when he tried on his cap and gown was a celebratory hula hoop dance

The night before, we went to dinner with Rod's parents and Aunt Candy and Grandparents at Macaroni Grill (a favorite).

His graduation was at 5 PM so Rod's parents took us to Tucanos (his favorite restaurant of all time) for lunch and and my parents came too. It was their first time and I think they're fans now.

The business school's graduation was HUGE (the people on the floor are just the graduate students, and the undergrads are all up the bleachers) I think there were like 1500 total graduates, which made for a LONG ceremony as they called each person's name. Bill Marriott (President of Marriott Hotels) was the guest speaker. They had all the grads sign this piece of the old basketball floor from the Marriott Center, and they will display it in the business school from now on.

They were nice to come and sit through the hours of ceremony
Pure joyThanks to everyone who made it possible and for the fun parties!
Yay Rod!!! Congrats!
Yea Rod! You did it!!! Congrats!
WAY TO GO ROD!!! I am so proud of you! As grandma Phillips would say... "You ol' smartie pants!"
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